
What is Clustering?

  • Definition: Clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects such that objects in the same group (cluster) are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. It is an example of unsupervised learning since no predefined labels (training data) are used.
  • Applications:
    • Grouping images to discover categories.
    • Clustering patient data to uncover disease subtypes.
    • Detecting communities in social networks.

k-means Clustering

  • Objective: Partition data into \( k \) clusters by minimizing the variance within each cluster: \[ V(D) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} \sum_{x_j \in S_i} (x_j - \mu_i)^2 \]

    • \( S_i \): the \(i\)-th cluster
    • \( \mu_i \): the mean of the cluster
    • \( D \): dataset
  • Algorithm (Lloyd's Algorithm):

    1. Partition data into \( k \) initial clusters.
    2. Compute the mean for each cluster.
    3. Reassign each point to the closest cluster mean.
    4. Repeat until no point changes its cluster.
  • Challenges:

    • Sensitive to the choice of \( k \) (number of clusters).
    • Initialization affects the final result, and the algorithm might converge to a local optimum.
    • Order-dependent: the final clusters depend on the initial configuration.
  • Silhouette Coefficient: A metric to evaluate the quality of clustering: \[ s(x) = \frac{d(x, \mu_{C'}) - d(x, \mu_C)}{\max(d(x, \mu_C), d(x, \mu_{C'})} \]

    • \( s(x) \approx 1 \): Well clustered.
    • \( s(x) \approx 0 \): Between clusters.
    • \( s(x) < 0 \): Incorrectly clustered.

k-medoids Clustering

  • Similar to k-means, but instead of the mean, it uses the medoid (the most centrally located point in a cluster).
    • Formula for the medoid: \[ m_i = \arg \min_{x_j \in S_i} ||x_j - \mu_i||^2 \]
    • This method is more robust to outliers since it restricts cluster centers to actual data points.

Kernel k-means

  • Idea: Apply k-means clustering in a high-dimensional feature space using kernels to handle complex, non-linear boundaries.
    • Key step: Instead of directly computing distances, use kernel functions: \[ d(x_1, x_2) = | \phi(x_1) - \phi(x_2) |^2 = k(x_1, x_1) - 2k(x_1, x_2) + k(x_2, x_2) \]
    • Kernel k-means is especially useful for clustering graphs or strings.

Graph-Based Clustering

  • Graph Representation: A dataset is represented as a graph \( G = (V, E) \), where nodes \( V \) are objects and edges \( E \) are weighted by the similarity between objects.

  • Steps:

    1. Define a threshold \( \theta \).
    2. Remove all edges with weight \( w_{ij} > \theta \).
    3. Each connected component in the graph forms a cluster.
  • DBScan (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise):

    • Core Idea: Group points that are closely packed together and mark outliers as noise.
    • Core Object: A point is considered a core object if there are at least MinPoints neighbors within a distance \( \epsilon \). Clusters are built by iteratively expanding core objects.

Spectral Clustering

  • Concept: Uses the graph Laplacian to connect graph-based clustering with k-means.

    • The Laplacian matrix \( L = D - W \), where \( D \) is the degree matrix and \( W \) is the adjacency matrix, helps find clusters by minimizing a cut in the graph: \[ \min \frac{1}{2} \sum_{a=1}^{k} \sum_{b=1}^{k} \kappa(C_a, C_b) \] where \( \kappa \) measures the weight of edges between clusters.
  • Procedure:

    1. Compute the eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix.
    2. Use the k smallest eigenvectors to form a new representation of the data.
    3. Apply k-means to this new representation.

EM Clustering (Expectation-Maximization)

  • Soft k-means: Instead of hard assignments, points are assigned probabilistically to clusters.

    • E-step: Compute the probability that each point belongs to each cluster.
    • M-step: Update the cluster parameters (means and covariances) based on these probabilities.
  • Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs): EM is often used to estimate the parameters for mixtures of Gaussian distributions.

Hierarchical Clustering

  • Concept: Instead of flat clusters, it builds a hierarchy of clusters where clusters can contain subclusters.

  • Methods:

    • Single Link: Minimum distance between points in two clusters.
    • Complete Link: Maximum distance between points in two clusters.
    • Average Link: Average distance between all pairs of points in two clusters.
  • Dendrogram: A tree-like structure used to represent the hierarchy.

Comparison of Clustering Algorithms

  • k-means:

    • Fast and simple.
    • Sensitive to initialization.
    • Good for large datasets with clear cluster boundaries.
  • k-medoids: More robust to outliers but slower than k-means.

  • Graph-based Clustering (DBScan):

    • Handles noise well.
    • No need to specify the number of clusters.
    • Struggles with varying density clusters.
  • Spectral Clustering: Good for complex data but computationally expensive.

  • EM Clustering: Handles soft assignments and works well with Gaussian mixtures, but prone to convergence to local optima.

  • Hierarchical Clustering: Captures the nested structure but can be computationally expensive for large datasets.